Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday Meandering

Happy Monday! I hope you enjoyed a fun March break (if you had one.)  We had a somewhat low key holiday with my daughter’s friends and cousins over and a lot of relaxation and watching Netflix (addicted to House of cards at the moment.)  

Just a few things to share with you today as I’m back at it with a new client meeting this morning.

1) I have been busy blogging about the BlogTour Vegas sponsors over the past few weeks. If you missed a post, you can read them here.  I learned so much about the brands and would be happy to have any of these products in my own home.

2) I also blogged about Kitchen & Bath trends for  You can read the post here.


3) You may have seen this Vogue interview with Sarah Jessica Parker but if not, take a look here. Loved her home especially the art wall and use of colour. It looks so welcoming and undecorated. Also loved her answers. (We are kindred spirits I think as many of her answers were what I would have said including her favourite board game being Masterpiece. I did an interview a couple of weeks ago for an online art blog and mentioned that very same board game in one of my answers.  I’ll let you know when that interview is live.)


4) Love this home which belongs to a 21 year old – no, I’m not jealous at all. :)


5) Instagram: I snapped some pics of a client’s little girl’s room which is coming together nicely.  Can’t wait to share it with you when complete.  You can follow me on Instagram here.

IGAnya's room

Have a great week!

If you require design advice, please contact me at vanessa(at)


  1. Those tiles are beautiful! Indigo is so hot right now isn't it? I'll check out that interview with SJP, thanks and your girls bedroom is going to look great - wow on that wallpaper!!

  2. I love that floral wallpaper! I also loved the SJP interview and I agree that her cheeky answers and bold and casual use of colour make me love her even more!

  3. Thanks for the SJP interview tip. I hadn't seen the article yet. Its a good one!

  4. I love the colours in SJP's house! So cool.

  5. That little girls room you are working on looks so cute!! Can't wait to see more!

  6. SJP is one of my favorite actresses and I have the whole Sex and the City box set! I love her couch what a yummy color! THe little girl's room that you are designing looks so pretty! I luv that floral wallpaper!


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