Monday, January 6, 2014

Hello 2014!

So, how is 2014 treating you so far? Found it a little difficult to wake up this morning? Or if you were like me, the howling wind and falling ice had you up at 5:30 am.

Looking forward

Many bloggers are posting their resolutions, goals, or even a word to describe want they want 2014 to look like.

Me, I always like to have a list. I love lists for everything and when I found this one on Pinterest and read it to my younger sister, she asked if I had written it. This is SO my list every year. I try to follow it but not always. That’s all we can do really, is try our best to be our best self. 

Number 3 and 13 on the list are huge for me as I have many food intolerances which limits what I can eat. When I do eat something that isn’t right for me, it has huge ramifications which are better left avoided.

Number 12 is also a biggie. I put off things that I don’t love to do and need to seriously work on this by doing those tasks first in the day.

And to add one to the list, “Play more” – with friends, my daughter and husband.  (When I worked in HR many moons ago, I gave training on goal setting. SMART goals – specific, measurable, attainable…oh, whatever! These “reminders” don’t really meet the criteria but they work for me.)

This list was a good one too:


And of course I have some work/blog/house goals like:

1) Only work with clients who value what a designer can bring to a project. Also, be more selective in choosing projects to work on.   I’m getting better at figuring this one out but sometimes I miss the mark.  (I think this will be a future blog post.)

2) Get published three times this year in print media and on a large blog like Design Sponge.  And on that note, I have already met one-third of that goal. More on that when I can share.

3) Blog more with inspiring content following my tagline “Ideas and Inspiration to live well in your home.”

My Monday Meandering posts could certainly be broken down into 2 or three posts sometimes. For example, I have so much to share today but I’m going to follow my own advice and actually come back on Wednesday to blog again (somebody hold me to that, please!!) I also want to do more with the “Happy” that is in my blog name and what I believe in when it comes to decorating and life in general. So, I’m thinking of a series with the word Happy in it like a Happy Surprise – those design moments that add that special something to a room/space/vignette. Stay tuned for that. I also want to collaborate more with other bloggers. Didn’t do any of that last year. And do a few more “Catching Up With” posts. This one with Scott McGillivray was one of the most read posts last year as well.

And I loved that Emily kept it real and had as one of her goals to grow her blog by 50%. I think that is every bloggers goal unless you already have a huge blog. (PS Doesn’t Emily already have a huge following?)

4) Finish off some rooms in my home and have them photographed (ensuite, bedroom, living room, office and maybe the kitchen.)

Looking Back:

Most read posts of 2013, besides giveaway and product preview posts:

When Someone Steals Your Work: This post was near and dear to my heart as I am passionate about this.  Since I wrote this, she took down photos of my work from her portfolio but is still passing off the work of other designers as her own.

Updated Carpet from the Home Depot:  I love my carpet from Home Depot and it seems like a lot of you do too.

Client Project:  Bathroom Reno. I loved working on this bathroom with one of my sweetest clients ever.

The professional highlight for me was this. Still pinching myself.

The personal highlight was our summer vacation to the East Coast which I didn’t blog about. I did instagram photos along the way. I still want to do a blog recap others can use for planning their trip but also to jog my memory. PS This year is the 150th anniversary of PEI so there will be plenty to see and do if you do decide to go.

Don’t wait:

And so that’s it for now. I hope this gave you some food for thought with your own goal setting/list making for 2014. Do you set goals or avoid them altogether?

And most importantly, I hope you have a very HAPPY year. I think it’s going to be a good one!

(If you are reading this in a reader or an email, go here to comment on this post. I would love to hear from you!)


  1. Your list of things to do this year seems to be very much like mine. Except I start off with a bang and fizzle down in a few months. My goal is to keep at it! Good luck accomplishing your goals and best for this year!

  2. #3 and #13 from the first list are things I'm trying to do too. Not for allergy reasons just for lifestyle and it's making a big difference! Happy 2014 :)

    1. Those are my main 2 as well. Good luck and Happy New Year to you too.

  3. I have such a tough time getting in enough fruits and veggies, I've started really committing to more smoothies and using Blender Babes website has been amazing!
    I decided to make no resolutions for this year as we have so much on our plate we just need to focus on getting things done!
    Also #3 & #13 & #19 are definitely on my list as well!!

    1. Yes, smoothies are the best. I actually have cravings for them. Will have to check out that website. Good luck with getting things done!

  4. I always set goals in the new year and throughout the year. I absolutely love that bathroom reno you did. It looks so clean and fresh. Have a great year! :)

  5. I've always wanted to spend some time on the East Coast. Where do you recommend we start? Good places to stay that are not too pricey?

    1. Hi Maggie! Thanks for stopping by. That's a long answer. We went to Nova Scotia, Cape Breton and PEI and stayed at a number of places. Some of them were a bit pricey as we wanted to "do it right" and not cheap out. Check back for the blog post sometime in February.

  6. Love it. Happy New Year & I wish you all this success and more. I'm kinda going with the flow this year and hope the universe has some fun surprises for me. :)

    1. Thanks for checking in with me Sundeep and for your wishes. I wish you all the best too and I'm sure that 2014 will be a great year for you.

  7. Love that last quote. So true...
    Congrats on the H&H feature! What a huge accomplishment!

    1. Thanks Susan! I'm very proud of that accomplishment. Happy 2014!

  8. This list looks exactly like one I could have written...I can relate to all of it! I love setting new goals each year - it's so motivating! Best wishes for a fantastic 2014!

    1. I know, right? It sounds like my list every year too. Good reminders for sure. Best Wishes to you too Jo-Anna!

  9. Happy New Year! And I can certainly relate to your list for 2014! I think it's the same one I have every year, just need a refresher every year. Hope 2014 is even more amazing for you!

    1. Happy New Year Lisa. And thanks so much for stopping by consistently in the past year. I really appreciate that. I hope 2014 is a wonderful year for you too!

  10. I love this post, Vanessa! It's always good to think about the fresh start that comes with each New Year. I am still in the midst of writing my first post for 2014, there are so many things to consider about the year that has past and the year that lies ahead.

    1. Thanks sweet Pam! I look forward to reading your post and wish you all good things in 2014.

  11. Sounds like you will have great things ahead for 2014! I love the list - seems simple but pretty well hits every nail on the head. Good luck with your goals and happy new year!

  12. Happy New Year Vanessa! It seems you have a very solid list of goals for 2014 -best of luck!

  13. #12 - that's me too. I get started on 10 different projects at once, don't follow through until I have to and then my house looks like an epic disaster.

    Congrats on the House and Home Feature!

  14. great lists, there is so much that we can reflect on and grow with this year!


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